Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Koolaid Alert: Bill O’Reilly loses it…

It's all Soros all the time for O'Reilly. Didn't Soros push Bush to invade Iraq? Wasn't it Soros that funded Gitmo? And I believe Soros coached Alberto Gonzales before he testified last week…George wants to buy AMERICA! Poor Joe Lieberman…

He doubled up on his production values by adding a nifty little chart…John Edwards is under his spell too…Move On, CAP, Media Matters, The NY Times, Jonathan Alter and NBC news…There's too many…I'm getting dizzy…
Bill from Portland
has more: In a lengthy opening diatribe, this evening Bill O'Reilly laid out the far-left George Soros conspiracy in spades. He had a chart and everything. I can't possibly do the segment justice. This diary is more of a "heads up" so that you can be on the lookout for the inevitable video that will pop up. But in a nutshell:

George Soros funds the Open Society Institute, the Democracy Alliance, MoveOn.org, and the Center For American Progress. And all four of these insanely powerful and nefarious organizations fund "millions" to…read on

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