Monday, April 23, 2007

King George to Gonzo critics: ‘Screw you.’

One White House adviser explains that President Bush continues to support Attorney General Alberto Gonzales because a “resignation would embolden the Dems to go after other targets–like Karl Rove. ‘This is about Bush saying, “Screw you,”‘ said the adviser, conceding that a Gonzales resignation might still be inevitable. The trick, said the adviser, would be to find a graceful exit strategy for Bush’s old friend.”
Biloxi alert: Watch for a family emergency or spend time with the family or a previously undiagnosed illness to force Gonzo to resign.


Anonymous said...

You are right, let's see what GOP excuse he comes up with, other than the real reason. It's looking more and more like the GOP is the party with a reality problem.

SP Biloxi said...

We know that there will be an excuse for Gonzo to step down. The gutless Gerbil won't fire him.