Tuesday, April 17, 2007

John Dean - Bush administration worse than Watergate

A great video by Mother Jones. Mr. Dean speaks the truth.


airJackie said...

John Dean worked with the one of the worse Administration in the History of America. He should know as the Dickster is using the Nixon play book. This time the Bush Administration set out to take over the Middle East as the Dickster is the CEO of Halliburton and would control oil rights in the major Middle East countries. Yes Bin Laden was right and now we know the Bush plan set out in 2000. Gore would have lost the election no matter what. There were to many officials involved even at the Supreme Court. As Chavez said Bush wanted to be King of the World as he sold his soul to Satan.

Anonymous said...

This WH will do so much damage it will never unwind.

President lied to congress this is a misdameaner

legalized bribery putting Cheney head of energy task force

this WH has done more to contribute to global warming

took the tragic event of 911 and used it to their advantage to keep terror

why doesn't the public attack

Well if these excerpts from what Dean said aren't enough to scare anyone, I don't know what will.

SP Biloxi said...

Good observance, Chicago Native!