Monday, April 23, 2007

The Itchy & Scratchy show: 'Bush fatigue'

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former President George Bush told CNN's Larry King Monday that the electorate may be experiencing "Bush fatigue."And it may be the reason his son, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, is sitting out the 2008 presidential election, the 41st president said."There's something to that -- there might be a little Bush fatigue now," former President Bush told CNN's Larry King when asked if he agreed with a recent assessment from GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney that Jeb Bush would currently be a frontrunner for the Republican party's presidential nomination if his last name wasn't Bush.But the former president predicted his youngest son may enter politics again in the future.

More on the story.

LOL! Bush Fatigue? The entire Bush clan is suffering an 'eye' problem: they can't see Jeb carrying the family torch and winning in the 2008 Presidency.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Daddy Bush better hope he doesn't have to visit his son the Gerbil in jail. It's not fatigue is the crimes have caught up with the Bush family. Daddy Bush might not be able to buy his son's way out of this one. As for Jeb he's a joke in more ways then one.