Monday, April 30, 2007

If all else fails, blame Clinton. Kristol calls Tenet “Crybaby”

In response to a question on "FOX News Sunday" yesterday about George Tenet's accusation that Bush administration neocons (Cheney, Perle, Feith) were pushing hard for war with Iraq despite Saddam having no links whatsoever to 9/11, Bill Kristol invoked Bill Clinton and said Tenet was not only a "mediocre" DCI, but also a "crybaby."


Anonymous said...

No Tenet has a concious.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes, but it depends what side of the coin he is on. He attacked the Administration on 60 minutes which had Kristol and Fox News on the attack on Tenet. Clarke was more sincere than Tenet. We are not sure if Tenet is friend or foe.