Thursday, April 19, 2007

Gonzogate Testimony Part One

Compliments from FDL. I will give my summations later.:
The AG has entered the room and is bantering with photographers and Senators. He and John Cornyn just went off to have a chat off camera briefly and then a little handshaking on the GOP side of the table, and back to the witness table. The hearing is about to begin.
SEN. LEAHY: Begins with remembrance of people at Virginia Tech. Then an admonishment of people holding up signs that are blocking the view of others in the audience in chambers today. Back to a statement of thoughts and prayers for the people involved. Look forward to working with the DoJ on how to improve the laws to hopefully help prevent such tragedies in the future. Today, the DoJ is experiencing a crisis of leadership, perhaps unrivaled in its history. Growing questions about dismissal of someof its lawyers, and the attempt to control and politicize the civil rights division and other areas of prosecution. The DoJ should never be reduced to another political arm of the White House — this WH or any other one. We have heard testimony from USAs who were fired, as well as from staffers from the DoJ whose testimony contradicts the AGs prior sworn testimony — sworn testimony.
The dismissed USAs have testified under oath that they believe that political considerations had something to do with the firings. Sampson testified under oath of Karl Rove's role in the firing of Iglesias. Discussion of the New Mexico GOP involvement in dropping Iglesias as the 2006 election approached.
Last November, the American public rejected the unilateral actions of the Bush Administration. Rather than heed the will of the public, the DoJ staff finalized plans to proceed with mass firings of USAs, and sent the unmistakeable message not only to those fired, but to those who remained, that the independence with which prior USAs had operated would no longer be tolerated. An instead, partisan loyalty became paramount. I do not excuse the AGs actions, and his failure from the outset to be honest with us and to those USAs who were dismissed, and failure to provide us with all of the information necessary.
If nothing wrong was done, then provide us with all of the documents, and testimony under oath. Quit hiding the e-mails, quit saying they cannot be found, quit refusing to be up front with the duly elected representatives of the American people. Real oversight has returned to Capitol Hill. What investigations have already revealed is rampant cronyism and substantial questions of politicization of our nation's justice system. Current actions undercut confidence in our USAs. Gonzales cannot claim immunity for torture undertaken on his watch as the nation's top attorney, he cannot escape responsibility for actions taken to politicize the DoJ. With all of the facts on the table, we can move forward to get to the truth and to restore confidence to the American public.

More on the testimony.

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