Thursday, April 19, 2007

Gonzogate Testimony Part FIve

SEN. SCHUMER QUESTIONS: Safe to say that Schumer is a bit skeptical. Go back to the discussion with Feinstein regarding Lam. You said she was acutely aware — Sampson said that he does not think that anyone gave her notice of problems with her or the DoJ. Sampson says no notice, and you told Feinstein that she was acutely aware. AG says he won't characterize Sampson's testimony. In looking at the documents, he believes that there was communication with Lam — and that there was a lot of discussion with members of Congress. Schumer says that Lam was not aware of the DoJs view on her immigration prosecution record. This is what we have been through all morning — the people that we have interviewed are saying conflicting information from your testimony. AG says he recalls sitting in a meeting with Lam and saying those numbers needed to change, and that this information needed to be communicated. AG didn't speak to her directly — but thinks that someone should have. Doesn't testify that she was told — or that he has any knowledge that she was told — by anyone in particular about any problem in particular. AG says that he didn't say that Lam was told that if her numbers didn't change, she'd need to resign. If you look at the letters and information, then there is no question that she knew there was a problem. Schumer says "Is it a general policy of the DoJ that when you have a problem with a USA, that you let Congress tell them about it?" AG says that they should have done a better job. Schumer says that this is beyond a question of doing a better job, you have had a month to prepare and we'd like answers.

Gets back into the Pryor issue — AG lied to me and to the Senate about Cummings. Schumer says he spoke to Pryor and that he stands by those words. Goes on to the Patriot Act evasion of Congressional oversight plan. Goes through the discussion of running out the clock on Senator Pryor — using a number of tactics to delay so that Griffen could stay in until the end of the President's term. Sampson says he was in the room when AG spoke with Pryor and said that he wanted to take Griffen through confirmation process. Did Sampson put out this memo completely on his own that contradicts what you just said was your policy — or was he articulating what you really thought was a good idea — because either way, this doesn't look good. AG says that Sampson testified that Ag didn't like the plan. Schumer says who is running the department if Sampson is putting out an e-mail about a plan that you didn't like — and your Cheif of Staff puts out a detailed, step-by-step process, of how to implement this plan? AG is peeved that his running of the department is being questioned. Sampson said it was a bad idea in Feb. or March, but in December he's going full bore ahead with the plan. Schumer affirms that Sampson's testimony was that in December the AG did not reject the plan. It raises substantial questions that this was done within 4 days of the AG talkng with Pryor.

LEAHY FOLLOW-UP: When you talk about sending up nominations for vacancies, you sent up 2 nominations for 21 vacancies — that's one out of ten. AG takes issue with Schumer characterization.

More on the testimony.

On a side note: Senator Durbin questions Gonzo about Fitz's appointment as USA...

Durbin: It's been reported that Rove had problems with Fitzgerald being appointed because of potential political considerations in Illinois.

Gonzo: Not aware of this.

Going into the evaluation of Fitzgerald's performance done early in Gonzales' tenure..

Durbin: Fitzgerald was given a recommendation that he had "no distinguished himself, either positively or negatively" by Sampson.

Gonzo: Doesn't recall ever seeing these evaluations. He had recused himself from evaluating Fitzgerald due to conflict of interest, but thinks personally that Fitzgerald is an outstanding prosecutor. Doesn't recall Sampson speaking to him about removing Fitzgerald — doesn't know anything about any Sampson recommendation to Miers.

Durbin (perplexed look):Did you ever have a conversation after the appointment of Fitzgerald to be special prosecutor in the investigation of the Valerie Plame matter with either the President or Karl Rove about the removal of Fitzgerald?

Gonzo: Sir, I believe the answer to that is no.

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