Thursday, April 26, 2007

Gonzo to Meet With Angry Senator

Last episode of Scum TV:

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has set up a meeting with Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas, who has accused Gonzales of lying to him about plans to replace a U.S. attorney in his state.

At last Thursday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the controversial firings of eight U.S. attorneys, South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham urged Gonzales to reach out to his colleague to assuage Pryor's anger. Pryor has accused Gonzales of lying about whether the attorney general was committed to submitting for Senate confirmation a replacement U.S. attorney for Arkansas.

Pryor's communications director, Michael Teague, told U.S. News that Gonzales's office called Pryor late Monday and scheduled a meeting for Wednesday morning. Teague says he is not sure whether that will make any dent in Pryor's views that Gonzales should resign as attorney general.

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