Monday, April 30, 2007

Discussion of Moyers Special and Tenet on 60 minutes.

Open Thread.

Share your thoughts of Moyers Special and George Tenet's interview on 60 minutes last night.


Anonymous said...

Moyers did an excellent job, I hope they re-run this often so a lot of people will get a chance to wake up.

Oh, no I had to turn in to Sean Hannity last night.....this guy has to be clinically and certifiably psychotic and paranoid. He thinks and firedoglake are extreme liberals and they are turning on anyone not far off to the extreme left. I was amazed that on the "fair and balanced" channel of Fox they would let Hannity get so way off to the extreme right, I was amazed. I now think Hannity is no better than Coulter, I used to think he had an ounce of sense and sanity but, he proved he doesn't last night.

Anonymous said...

As far as the Moyers special, on how this Administration fed the media and used the media and scared anyone in the media who would question anyone in this WH as be unpatriotic if they dared question or reveal real facts, e.g. WMDs, Saddam connection etc.
I also think we lost two really good journalist Donnahue and Rather due to thinking outside what was being fed to the media.
They had plenty of footage of all the WH telling lies and constantly repeating these lies.
It was a very well done piece by Moyers, he certainly spent a lot of time on it and it shows.
You also have to now look at what the media is putting out and question it.

Geezer Power said...

Like everything else since the occupation of the Whitehouse, there are more things going on than you can shake a stick at. The Neocons, along with the MSM, took control of public broadcasting.

In December 2003 George W Bush appointed Gay Hart Gaines as the head of Corporate Public Broadcasting, which controls government funding for PBS. She was a Bush Ranger in 2004 (re: contributed $100,000 to canpaign). Mainstream media wasn't enough for Bush & Co. they had to control PBS too, and Bill Moyers was at the top of their hit list.

Moyers left PBS not long after the midterm elections. The Neocons still control CPB, so it is a mystery why Moyers has returned. If anyone can wake a few people up it is Bill Moyers.

SP Biloxi said...

My thoughts of Bill Moyers special is that the program was well-informed of the integrity lost in the media and journalism nad how the new wave of propaganda news, Fox News, became the new wave of giving and distorting lies in journalism in order to serve the pleasure of the President. That program is a wakeup to put Fox News and other propaganda news out of business and to restore the integrity back in journalism.

On the other hand, it was refreshing for Moyers to interview the new wave of reporting the news: blogging and a fake news comedy (an underlining and political message in a comedy show). The public can understand why most folks are turned on to Jon Stewart, why most politicians, officials, and journalists like to be a guest on his show, and why most folks are attracted to blogging and blog site like Talking Points Memo.

But, I havbe to admit that blogging is ceetainly outshining the media and newspapers.

SP Biloxi said...

Also, regarding George Tenet on 60 minutes, it was a combination of wanting to telling his side of the story, his passion for his job, and Bush's 16 words. I certainly didn't buy his meaning of "slam dunk." He left a lot of holes in his interview last night. You don't know if he is a friend or a foe. But, Richard Clarke was more convincing in his interviews about how Bush wanted him to connect Al Queda with Saddam and his insight in faulty Intelligence than Tenet. And Tenet got 4 million for his book? I wonder if he is going to donate all of his profits to the 9/11 victims organization as Richard Clarke did with his book.