Monday, April 23, 2007

Criminal alert: Another shoe drops in the Jack Abramoff investigation

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A former aide to Rep. Don Young (R-AK), Mark Zachares, looks set to plead guilty to corruption charges.
The Justice Department filed a criminal information today on Zachares, laying out the facts to which he'll be pleading guilty

According to the document, Zachares and Abramoff had what they called their "two year plan": Zacheres would work for Abramoff on the inside, taking advantage of his congressional position to throw business Abramoff's way, and eventually, when Zachares left Congress, Abramoff would reward him. As the information reads: Abramoff "would 'credit' Zachares with the 'business' Zachares... referred or developed for Abramoff's firm, and would ultimately employ Zachares as a lobbyist credited 'with business,' warranting a high annual salary."
In addition to the usual stream of junkets, meals, and sports tickets, Abramoff also funneled $10,000 to Zachares through one of his phony charities. In return, Zachares referred clients and provided a number of favors for Abramoff's various clients.


jan said...


airJackie said...

Yes another victim of the House that Jack built. Now as with the Bush policy no one will know who Jack Abramoff is. Rove had his meeetings with Jack in Palms Springs but of course Karl will forget about that. I wonder what job Bush/Cheney will give Jack when he get's out. Wolfie is giving jobs to those who lied about Iraq.

SP Biloxi said...

Yup, another show drops and there are much much more on the radar.