Friday, April 20, 2007

Cartoon for Friday: Double Standard


Anonymous said...

I never saw all the controversal footage, I just heard about it on news radio. How bad was it?

SP Biloxi said...

Are you referring to Virginia Tech shootings or Iraq?

Anonymous said...

Virginia Tech.
What was supposed to be so graphic? What did he do in the manifesto?

SP Biloxi said...

There is so many unanswered question about the Virginia Tech killings and the shooter. Questions such as the writings on his arms to bookmarks of websites that he had on his computer, his mental health, and so on. The interesting part is that the shooter's family members have still not come forward yet to give a response. This case needs to definite profiler to comb through this case and understand the mind of the shooter and less of the reporters trying to sensationalize this story and playing Colombo.

I don't know what contraversal footage that you are referring to but I did see the shooter's video that was shown on NBC on Wednesday. It is chilling but more facts need to come out about the mind of the shooter and the how, when, why, and what trigger him to go on the shooting spree at the college and why did he is target those particular areas of the campus.

Anonymous said...

I just heard on news talk radio that they should not have shown it and it was disturbing, and no one is saying why. Just that it was very disturbing and that it should not have been shown.
Of course, I think the shooting was disturbing (the actual act) and that it was so premeditated that supposidly he explained (this part is hearsay, I have not seen it but this was all that was said on news radio)

SP Biloxi said...

"I just heard on news talk radio that they should not have shown it and it was disturbing, and no one is saying why."

That is what you referred to. Well, I find it amazing that there are talks ro why that video should be shown yet the public saw the photos of Abu Ghraib prisoners, Hussein being hung, murders of the soldiers, the capturings of the soldier played on the video by the terrorists, and so on.

The public has a right to know what is going on. NBC did the right thing by airing parts of the video and they did say that they were going to air part of the video. If some people in the public didn't wish to see that, they simply turn off the news. That story is part of journalism and the reporters have a duty to report the news. Personally, if some people have beef about the airing of the shooter's video, then tell the media to quit airing car chases!!!