Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bush-Nixon. Then and Now

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airJackie said...

The baby boomers didn't learn as my son always asked me where are all the people from Woodstock? Yes it was the age of drugs and fighting for change. Now we see the results. The Druggies went home and their parents got them in government now they run the country with fired brains. Oh and the students who were trained by the Nixon White House are bringing back the Nixon play book up graded to taking over the Middle East. Yet I notice all the deciders didn't join the Military during the war at Vietnam. One might thing they were scared as it was a draft. Yes the rich families of America paid their son's way out of serving and some like the Dickster used 5 deferments and then their wives. We see the problems greater today because these leaders are weak cowards and know money can buy their way out. The troops serving today are better men then their Liar-in-Chief. Daddy Bush will have to start working again to get his idiot son the Gerbil out of this mess. It might not work this time as the idiot son has made international enemies. Countries that were once friends now look to the idiot Gerbil as the liar and crook he is.

Anonymous said...

John Dean is right, this is worse than the Nixon years.
At least my Dad, Uncles went to Vietnam, and didn't weasel out of it.