Monday, April 30, 2007

Bush and Condi attached to the hip.

A forthcoming biography of Condoleezza Rice, excerpted by Newsweek, examines the ties between President Bush and Condoleezza Rice:
Rice was drawn to Bush. “First of all, I thought he was wonderful to be around,” she recalled, sitting on the couch in her State Department office. “He was warm and funny and easy to be around. I thought he had just an incredibly inquisitive mind … You could barely finish an explanation before he was digging into it.”
Bush was also a bad boy. And Rice, according to friends and family, had a thing for bad boys…
Rice’s friends insisted the attraction to Bush was platonic, but Brenda Hamberry-Green, her Palo Alto hairdresser, who had spent years commiserating with Rice over how hard it was for successful black women to find a good man, noticed a change when Rice started working for Bush. “He fills that need,” Hamberry-Green decided. “Bush is her feed.” …
“There was this connective stuff–that was really fully under way by the summer of 1999,” said Rice’s friend Coit “Chip” Blacker. “There’s a funny kind of transfer of energy and ideas that’s almost–not random, but unstructured. It’s as though they’re Siamese twins joined at the frontal lobe.”


Anonymous said...

Bad boys always have more than one girlfriend, how is this bad boy any different, I think not.

SP Biloxi said...

That might explain her slip at the tongue that she made about Bush being her husb--- and both kisses in the her mouth by the Gerbil when he nominated her for Secretary of State. Oh, his reason for those kisses: He stated, "We are family."