Monday, April 30, 2007

All roads lead back to the Dickster.

Even asleep, the Dickster is still scheming...

A former CIA analyst claims that falsified documents which were meant to show that Iraq's Saddam Hussein regime had been trying to procure yellowcake uranium from Niger can be traced back to Vice President Dick Cheney.

Appearing on MSNBC's Tucker Carlson show, Ray McGovern who served in the CIA for twenty-seven years, said, "the [forged] memo leads right back to the doorstep of the Vice President of the United States."

According to McGovern, former CIA Director George Tenet told his "coterie of malleable managers" at the CIA to create a National Intelligence Estimate "to the terms of reference of Dick Cheney's speech of August 26, 2002, where Dick Cheney said for the first time Saddam Hussein could have a nuclear weapon in a year, he's got all kinds of chemical, he's got all kinds of biological weapons."

More on the story.


Anonymous said...

The Dickster is up all night while it is day over in the middle east wheeling and dealing, that's why he can't sleep during the day.

There is a pattern eveything leads back to the Dickster, not too many can survive all his heart problems and still be around to and have the energy to get involved and plot and plan like he does

SP Biloxi said...

And he can even plot in his sleep. All for the love of money.