Thursday, March 01, 2007

Where is Osama?

Osama bin Laden still alive, Taliban commander says

Kabul- The leader of the al-Qaeda terrorist network and theworld's number one fugitive, Osama bin Laden, is still alive, a topTaliban commander claimed in a rare interview."We know he is still alive," Mullah Dadullah, chief of theresurgent movement's military operations, told Britain's Channel 4television in comments broadcast Wednesday."He is not yet martyred," Dadullah said at a secret location inAfghanistan.


airJackie said...

He's traveling and living good thanks to Bush/Cheney. He has the best American medical attention and money to burn. He is better protected then we are with homeland security. So don't worry folks Osama is living better then most Americans. All this is just talk to put the meter back up to orange just to make sure the American people are put back in fear. Most likely it's because Bush/Cheney need the money for the Iraq puppets and war profiteers. So to get Americans but in the fear of an attack and that scary name Osama it worked before it could work again.

Anonymous said...

Does it matter at this point, Saddam caught, tried, and executed, things are no better, would catching Osama make a difference? If he is alive.

SP Biloxi said...

That is Saddam was really Saddam..

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking yes because there were enough credible witnesses and there would be more problems if it wasn't him.
Osama only gets mentioned when things aren't going well for the Chimp/Cheney. This was supposed to be "The War on Terror", know, going to Afghanistan getting the Taliban?, Al Quada? Terrorists? etc? Now it's "The Iraq War". The Chimps Middle Eastern Disaster is what it should be.