Monday, March 12, 2007

What kind of person is the Dickster?

Good morning/afternoon/evening Justice League bloggers!
Happy Monday!


airJackie said...

The Dickster is pure evil. He is guided by his master Satan. He was put in office to rob the US Treasury by giving all contracts to Hallibuton in the invasions of Iraq/Afghan. This so called war is about the Gulf oil rights. Saddam made deals with the US and then backed out. As Bush/Cheney took office the plan was to attack Saddam as he was weak and take control of oil rights. Now as that plan worked with the help of the media spreading the lies. Now who will take control of the now weak Bush/Cheney. The sad part of this plan was thousands of innocent soldiers were lead to die based on lies told by the Bush Administration. Trillions of stolen money by this Administration as the taxpayers will have to foot the bill. How that Waxman is hot on the trail of these crimes Halliburton is on the run.

SP Biloxi said...


Remember what happen to Dr. Faust? Faust is similiar to the Dickster..

Anonymous said...

I was listening to news radio today and they were interviewing Lou Dobbs on his new book Waging war on the Middle Class, one thing he really went to town on was the cost of this war on the middle class. Yes Dickster (and puppet)are winning the war on wiping out the middle class.

SP Biloxi said...

Yup, and there will be one two class of people in this country: the haves and the have not. And the poor will depend on the gov't. Whar a shame the Dickster stole the middle class's dreams.