Sunday, March 04, 2007

Was this Karl Rove's October surprise?

WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 — David C. Iglesias, who was dismissed as the United States attorney in New Mexico, has said he believes that he was ousted because he resisted pressure before the 2006 elections to bring corruption charges against a Democrat in his state, a Democratic senator said on Wednesday.

Mr. Iglesias has told Congressional aides that two federal lawmakers had separately called him in mid-October asking about the status of an inquiry involving a statehouse construction contract and a former Democratic state lawmaker, Senator
Charles E. Schumer of New York said in a statement Wednesday on the Senate floor.
Mr. Schumer did not identify the lawmakers who made the calls either by name or party affiliation, but he suggested that they wanted Mr. Iglesias to move quickly with indictments before the November elections to help

More on the story.


Anonymous said...

Pakistan busy

Chavez says CIA is out to kill him

SP Biloxi said...

Now that Chavez and the Iranian Prez are amigos in business in respect to oil, sure the Gerbil would want his gone. Chavez is a threat to the Gerbil's plans.

Anonymous said...

The Iranians are buddying up to India as well. Trip to India More Friends

SP Biloxi said...

The Gerbil is not paying attention in relation to business. India is one of the fast growing countries in economy and education. And since many of the U.S. jobs were outsourced to India, very dangerous relationship with India and Iran. The Gerbil went over to India to panhandle a relationship in business. I just think that the Gerbil is being hoodwinked by these countries. Seems like all of the allies ate joining forces and screwing the Gerbil. The last laugh will be on the Gerbil.

Anonymous said...

Yes extremely scarry.