Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Veep stocks up on Ambien

The F.D.A. also ordered the makers of the well-known drugs Ambien and Lunesta and the producers of 11 other commonly used sleeping pills drugs to create patient fliers explaining how to safely use them. The fliers, which the F.D.A. says it requires when it sees a significant public health concern, will be handed out at pharmacies when consumers fill their prescriptions.


airJackie said...

Soon he wont wake up, now that's when he's in real trouble. Satan will have alot of questions as to why Cheney didn't complete his evil mission. Cheney was to have the United States weak and broke.

Anonymous said...

Cheney is up all night plotting his evil plans, moving money around (the other arab countries time difference is that they are ahead of us, so he could be emailing and on the phone with them all night here, while it is their day there) so that's why he is falling asleep on his day job.

SP Biloxi said...

Jackie and Chciago Native:

You are right about the Dickster. He wants this country weak, broke, and indenture servant while he is moving his profits overseas. I think you are right about the Dickster being asleep on the job.