Tuesday, March 13, 2007

U.S. Attorney Nomination 101

The U.S. Attorney is nominated by the President, based on recommendations from the Senators in the particular District. Almost without exception, the appointee is from the President’s political party. When a new President is elected, we get new U.S. Attorneys.

The Assistant U.S. Attorneys get to stay, under civil service rules. They can't be ousted because of political reasons.

The travesty of the current U.S. Attorney firing scandal is not that U.S. Attorneys are being replaced. That is expected after an election, such as the one in 2004. It's that it's happening in 2007.

Once appointed, the U.S. Attorney is not supposed to be a political hack. He or she, like every prosecutor, is supposed to make decisions to ensure that justice is done. If you're skeptical the U.S. Attorney can switch horses so fast, you have a right to be.

Thanks Jeralyn for your explanation...


Anonymous said...

Nothing has been going by the rules with this administration, it's just like Cook County, how they get away with it? Who knows? But they have.

SP Biloxi said...

Yup, the Adminintration, Cook county, and Todd Urkel created Pottersville.