Saturday, March 10, 2007

Update: CNN says Tom DeLay not joining network.

Via Hunter, a network spokesperson tells MediaBistro that criminally-indicted ex-Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) is not joining CNN

I don't know if I should make a toast or bang my head on the table that CNN would even think of hiring the criminal indicted the Hammer!


Geezer Power said...

Nothing these days is any where near reality. The Hammer spinning the news makes about as much sense as Victorea Toesuck being interviewed on PBS News Hour, but it really happened. Ray Suarez didn't even question her about the fact that a lot of people died because Iraq was invaded, or that the millions of people who demonstrated against the war were outright cheated. It takes time and money to go to a demonstration, and most of the folks there had to scrape to come up with enough time and resources to get there, only to be squelched by Neoconservative lies.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they got more emails than the people at the newspapers got on Ann Creature, and there are more intelligent people watching CNN. Don't worry Faux news will probably pick him up.
And Guiliani is way out in the polls. 20 points ahead, and watching Mark Shields, that the frontrunner for the GOP a year ahead is usually their candidate.......can the Democrats work on getting all the footage of him as a transvestite and using it in their commercials? What would he wear to the nomination party a suit or a dress? How many ex's will show up?

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native:

The GOP is spreading the Guiliani love because that is all the GOP has. The Maverick lost his touch. Guiliani's past will catch up. And Newt and Guiliani should be on a ticket: sinner and sinner. It is a bit nauseating that the media is on the Guiliani lovefest. He certainly was out here. He certainly didn't get a warm welcome.