Friday, March 02, 2007

That 70's Dick and Donny Show

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld's revival of their 1970's war rhetoric is back in full swing, only then it was the Soviet Union instead of Iran. Like any good sequel, they used all the same plots, punch lines and cast of zany characters in hopes of boosting ticket sales. Unfortunately, the reviews are no better now than they were back then.
John Amato touched on this back in '05, noting that Dick, Don and then outgoing Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz' rhetoric on Iran's nuclear program didn't pass the smell test. Of course, we now know that these guys were for Iran's nuclear ambitions before they were against it.
More recently, despite the Bush Administration's claims that they have no intention of invading Iran, we find out that they're working on a plan anyway. You know, just in case. Meanwhile, back in reality we find this - U.N. calls U.S. data on Iran's nuclear aims unreliable .
Oh, you thought Donny was out of the picture? Think again.


Anonymous said...

they are obviously back into using drugs from the 70s as well

SP Biloxi said...

They say "wow." And they say it backwards: wow... lol

Anonymous said...

They are saying all kinds of crazy things too bad some poeple listen. lol

Anonymous said...

The nursing home is calling out for Uncle Donny. And treason and prison are calling out for the Dickster.