Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Special Message from Biloxi...

To my fellow Justice League bloggers:

Now that the Libby trial is over and Fitzgerald has moved on to his daytime job, I will continue to update you on Libby' appeal which is in June ( that's if his appeal is granted). Fitz's next gig is the Conrad Black case which I will continue to update and post the background about that case later this week. The case starts March 14. But, the most important trial that I will be following is the Wilsons' upcoming civil lawsuit against Libby, Rove, Cheney, Armitage, and 9 other unnamed government officials. So, I will continue to provide you different varieties of news information of this current travesty and sham of the current Administration.



Bubby said...

Thanks SPB. Glad you will be taking up the torch and keeping us informed with your special insight.

SP Biloxi said...

Thanks, Bubby. Welcome to the blog!

Anonymous said...

I will come visit your blog for the summations, thanks.

SP Biloxi said...

In the Conrad case,

I will give a summations and thoughts of that case. In the Wilsons' case, I give my summation also. I am not sure if that case will opened to the public as the Scooter Libby trial. I am sure CREW and Melanie Sloan will keep us all informed.

jan said...

So happy you'll be here for us- thank you :D

SP Biloxi said...

Welcome Jan!


Anonymous said...

Interesting facts, before he was speaker of the house he ate a lot of chicken? Who is he?
click here to see if you know the answer! Yes this is family

SP Biloxi said...

Robert Hastert.. lol

Have you eaten there, Chicago Native?

And if he ate a lot chicken from his family restaurant, no one he still carries his winter weight.

Anonymous said...

No I have not made the trip out west to Eat at the Hastert Chicken Joint, the thought of Denny knawing on a chicken leg would ruin my appetite anyhow.