Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Rove had put the squeeze on Fitz's nomination as U.S. Attorney

Of course, this is old news but I am glad the truth in coming to surface....

Former Sen. Peter Fitzgerald (R-IL) revealed yesterday that Karl Rove pressured him in 2001 to choose a U.S. Attorney who he believed would be lenient in probing state corruption, the Chicago Tribune reports. Fitzgerald
ended up choosing Patrick Fitzgerald (no relation), who was later named Special Prosecutor in the CIA leak case.

From the Tribune:

[Rove told Sen. Fitzgerald] in the spring of 2001 that he should limit his choice for U.S. attorney in Chicago to someone from Illinois.

According to Fitzgerald, who was determined to bring in a prosecutor from outside the state, Rove “just said we don’t want you going outside the state. We don’t want to be moving U.S. attorneys around.”
Fitzgerald said he believes Rove was trying to influence the selection in reaction to pressure from Rep. Dennis Hastert, then speaker of the House, and allies of then-Gov. George Ryan, who knew Fitzgerald was seeking someone from outside Illinois to attack political corruption.
Fitzgerald said he announced his choice, Patrick Fitzgerald, a New Yorker, on May 13, a Mother’s Day Sunday, to pre-empt any opposition.
More on the story.


Anonymous said...

Hmm Rove wanted someone to play nice with all of the out of control politicians, in this State, City and County.

SP Biloxi said...

Notice that Rove's name is coming up more and more in crimes.

Anonymous said...

Yes, almost as much as Cheney, so maybe Rove is doing the Veep job, b/c we all know Cheney is doing the pres. job, and Chimpster....puppet job

SP Biloxi said...

In business, Veep is doing the Veep's job. Rove is helping the Gerbil with damage control to keep his friend in office. Rove and the Veep don't get along at all.