Wednesday, March 07, 2007

On Providing Opportunities for Future Appointments

David Iglesias Didn't prosecute Democrats fast enough
John McKay Didn't prosecute electoral fraud in 2004 election
Carol Lam Prosecuted the wrong people
Bud Cummins Blabbed to the wrong people
Patrick Fitzgerald Successfully prosecuted Cheney aide (Fitz! Fitz!)

The House and Senate Committee public investigations on the firing of the US Attorneys by the Justice Department at the end of 2006 have been quite eye-opening. The House session allowed the Justice Department to
lay out the reasons that these particular attorneys were chosen to be fired.

Some attorneys were assured that they were not fired for poor performance. They were just asked to leave because the President needed to provide opportunities for other (more) worthy Republicans to make their mark for future positions of power.

Mercer told Charlton that "this was being done so that other individuals could 'touch base' as a United States attorney before the end of the president's term."

He was more explicit in his conversation with Bogden. Bogden testified that Mercer told him "the administration has a very short, two year window of opportunity concerning United States Attorney positions" and that "this would be an opportunity to put others in those positions so they could build their resumes, get experience as a United States Attorney, so that for future opportunities, being a federal judge or another political type position, they would be better enhanced to do so."

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