Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mohammed: I Killed Daniel Pearl

Judge for yourself....

MARCH 15--After informing the family of late Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, Pentagon officials today released an al-Qaeda leader's account of his 2002 beheading of the journalist. When the Department of Defense yesterday released a transcript of Osama bin Laden deputy Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's statements at a March 10 military hearing, they redacted details of Pearl's murder, for which Mohammed took credit. Today, after Pearl's family members were reportedly given notice, the Pentagon distributed the previously redacted portion of Mohammed's confession (a copy of which you'll find below). In a statement read by a military officer serving as Mohammed's "personal representative" during the Guantanamo Bay proceeding, Mohammed said that he "decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew Daniel Pearl." He added that there were photos on the Internet showing him holding Pearl's decapitated head.


jan said...

Man! this guy gets a lot done and in so many places ;D


airJackie said...

Yes after being water boarded Mohammed killed Abe Lincoln and John Kennedy. It is well known at torture doesn't bring truth. Some of the wording is to American as if it was written for him. The Military has shown they make up stuff like they did with Tillman's death. How long did it take to get the truth about him. Americans will see what it feels like when one of our soldiers is tortured and made to lie thanks to McCain and Cheney's new Torture Bill. Mohammed isn't an angel but Americans will believe a lie before they look for the truth. Bush has been lying for 6 years and counting.

SP Biloxi said...

It is more of Mohammed's story and confession that meets the eye fron the Pentagon. I wonder how many times this man was tortured to now say that he killed Daniel Pearl. As Jackie said, this man is no saint but after so many lies from the Administration about terrorism, I am not buying the beans in this one... And where in the hell is Osama?

Anonymous said...

Yes, is this a Gerbil WH adminstration tactic to say we are winning the war on terror by getting this guy. This could be a smoke screen to divert attention away for all who were responsible for all these act.
I have a hard time believing this is the big mastermind to all of this, some yes but that long laundry list??

SP Biloxi said...

And it will truely sadden the Pearl family if this another smoke screen and lie by the Administration. The Pearl family want some closure in Mr. Pearl's brutal death.