Sunday, March 04, 2007

Mayor calls for the impeachment of the Chimpster

OLYMPIA, Wash. - This capital city gave Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson a platform he never would be afforded on his home turf: excoriating the U.S. president before state lawmakers. On Thursday, at a rally and before a Washington State Senate panel, Anderson called on Congress to restore the country's moral standing and commitment to democracy by impeaching President Bush. "Never before has there been such a compelling case for impeachment and removal from office of the president of the United States," Anderson was expected to tell Washington lawmakers during his testimony.

The mayor outlined his case against the commander in chief, including "misleading" Congress and the public about the need to go to war in Iraq, violating international treaties by invading and occupying Iraq, authorizing unconstitutional warrantless wiretapping of U.S. citizens and allowing the torture of prisoners. Anderson also submitted written testimony - a 22-page, footnoted brief that said it wouldn't be an overstatement to label Bush a "war criminal." And at a rally earlier in the day on the Capitol grounds, the mayor referred to his hometown.

Anderson, a Democrat, was slated to be one of two pro-impeachment speakers at Washington's Government Operations and Elections Senate Committee in support of a resolution urging Congress to investigate whether Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney should be impeached.


Anonymous said...

They should not have been elected twice, but it will take until the end of the Chimp & Evil ones term before they can get rid of them.

SP Biloxi said...

Let's hope it is soon.