Friday, March 16, 2007

Live Blogging on the hearing on the Oversight Committee Webcast Part Two


Committee Ms. Norton is questioning Knodell. She plainly told him that he is more of the fall guy. She questioned him on Executive Order 12958 and presented a chart of certain people and positions. She asked Knodell if any of those people in the chart would know the name of a covert agent. Knodell had no clue at all and said that he didn't all the responsibilties of the officials in the WH..

Attorneys Mr. Mark Zaid and Ms. Victoria Toensing are testifying. Toensing stated that Plame was not a covert agent under the acts and no one in the WH is responsible and she blamed the CIA. IMHO , she is twisting Plame's testimony. Plame did say that she went to her boss when she knew something was coming. Plame's boss never brought in the DCI and reporter Novak for discussion before that story came out. Waxman grilled Toensing about her claims about Plame not being a covert agent under the acts when she was not part of the leak investigation... Go Waxman!

Commitee Cummings is speaking. He said what Plame said. Cummings stated that Plame lost her job, served her country, and risk her life. As result of Plame's identity being blown, Plame's whole network were in jeopardy. Cummings quoted what Toensing said in the Washington Post during the Libby trial. She said, " Plame is not a covert. She hadn't worked or been stationed overseas in 5 years before Novak's column." Watson is asking Toesing that same question as Cummings fron the Washington Post article. She is asking Toesing standing by her statement that Plame was not a covert CIA officer. Toesing said yes. Watson said that Plame was sworn in for her testimony. Toesning said that she never talked to Plame or the CIA of her employment status. Toesing is interpeting Plame's cover status under the law and the criminal protection but not under the Executive Order 12958 [Watson reminded her of why she was invited to this hearing].

Waxman asked attorney Zaid if the officials who exposed Ms. Plame status was treated better than Zaid's own clients in other similar cases. Zaid said yes. Of course, he and Toesning slipped that they take clients whether they are Democrats or Republicans. I guess they were trying to promote their business on the webcast. Waxman said that from Plame's statement, General Hayden, and Fitzgerald, Waxman said to Toesning that they have a different perspective on protection of an agent than she claims to know. He said that he will research her claims since she said that she has "30 years" experience case like this. Of, course, Toesing didn't like that statement by Waxman. The hearing is adjourned....


airJackie said...

I liked Waxman's comment when he said they didn't have the tape but would check at the Daily Show.

SP Biloxi said...

I know I hear that part. LOL!

jan said...

Wow, I really enjoyed that! I was so happy to hear all those questons asked-and under oath-WOW!