Friday, March 09, 2007

I've been called for jury duty!!!!!!


I will be reporting for jury duty the week of April 2, 2007..


Anonymous said...

Ha...One of my friends was called for jury duty on that High School Teacher who had numberous encounters with his underage girl students, and when they asked him if he had children (yes he made it that far) he not only volunteered yes but two teenage daughters.....that was the end for him. My brother was called on a Cook County Jail inmate that had feces in his cell and he was suing, my brother said he's the only one in his cell so he's guilty (that's when they asked my brother what he thought) he got booted, My Mom was called to Daley Center Court for a medical malpractice and let them know that she does not understand how some doctor's can pass their licencing booted. I filled out the questionaire, honestly and just sat all day even though others were being called, I was at Cook County Courts BLDG. Maybe you will end up like me, one day and gone....bring lots to read!

SP Biloxi said...

I will be bringing a book, Chicago Native. So true....

Pray that I only serve for one day! I hate jury duty!!!