Sunday, March 11, 2007

Halliburton shifts headquarters to Dubai.

“U.S. oil services giant Halliburton Co. will shift its corporate headquarters from Houston to Dubai,” the Wall Street Journal reports. Halliburton’s new location “will be better placed to focus on relations with the Gulf’s enormous national oil companies.”


airJackie said...

Smart move as Dubai still have the New York port deal just under another name so Americans wont go crazy. Most of the Republican businesses are part of Dubai even Daddy Bush. Now as for that follow the money try following the investors of Dubai which involves the Republican members. Halliburton is preparing for the fall out of the Middle East. Most likely looking forward to an unfriendly Iraq President. Al Maliki is worthless and will be removed. In short Osama was right all along all this was about controlling Middle East oil as Saddam back outed of the agreement. Yes he had to be killed as not to let America know the deals that had been made. As for Bin Lidan well he's fine because in New York the deal was made but the Bin Liden family wanted their son protected and GW agreed to the deal.

SP Biloxi said...

It's all about oil and profits for the Dickster and the Gerbil.

Anonymous said...

Yes Kitty is right, another way to avoid taxes and make more money.