Monday, March 12, 2007

Guilty Scooter cartoon by Bill Mitchell



jan said...


I just love your blog. You find and post the best info! I'm very thankful of your being ;D

Maybe I'll change my picture soon because of you ;}

jan said...


My boyfriend turned me on to this website:http:

It's a trip!

Yes, I do think that I may need to fill his empty time so he doesn't fill it at the crib ;D

SP Biloxi said...

Hi, Jan!

Thanks for the compliment. O.K. what pic are you going to change. You baby pic was great to represent the Scooter Libby trial. Maybe a pic that represents you. ;D

You get a lot of Geico commericals, Kittybowtie?

Sean Neoconnery said...

Great blog sp b! I just stumbled into it looking for info on Halliburton's HQ move.

If you don't mind, I'd like to add you to my list of links.

SP Biloxi said...
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SP Biloxi said...


Welcome to the blog! Yes, feel free to add my link for information. You will find that I dig more deep into some of the topics on this blog.
I wish more the media would start connecting the dots with the money and paper trail of the corrupted Administration.


The caveman on those Geico commercials is getting way too popular. Another 15 minutes of fame.