Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Governor Dean: Gonzo and Karl McTreason Rove Must Go!

Governor Dean:

"The best way for Attorney General Gonzales to accept responsibility is for him to step down," said Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean. "The Bush White House has consistently put protecting the President and doing his bidding ahead of upholding the integrity of our nation's laws. Karl Rove should pack his bags and go too. His type of leadership doesn't belong at the White House. America deserves better."


SP Biloxi said...

The Republican party is turning on Gonzo and Rove. They will bring them down. Now Gonzo has lied to Congress under oath and he will be under oath again so look for that to seal his retirement in time for fruit picking season. Now Karl is up to his neck in so much he would do better to resign before they get him. Cheney is just busy packing his money to move it off shore as Halliburton leaves. I must say Cheney is a smart CEO as he got the US to give only contracts to Halliburton for doing nothing and now making sure they get the money and pay no US taxes.

Anonymous said...

I hope more keep turning on them, but it is more like trying to save their own skin.
Cheney has been the most destruction person this country has ever seen.