Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Gonzo may be a liability to the White House according to Rove

Pot, meet kettle.

[I]nside the White House, aides to the president, including Mr. Rove and Joshua B. Bolten, the chief of staff, were said to be increasingly concerned that the controversy could damage Mr. Bush.


airJackie said...

First I'd like to thank you so much SPB for helping me. I tried some of the other bloggers but I didn't get their email right. Things are much better now. I just might have to change my email address if it continues.

I notice Rove is still protected by Bush as he now turns of Gonzo like he turned on Libby. The rats are turning on the rats.

Anonymous said...

And Rove is an asset?

airJackie said...

Rove is right he sould know he's lied from day one and will never have to pay. Yes Gonzo set up the system for no charges against GOP and supporters. Ms. Dunn is proof of the new get out of jail system. Next Gonzo has to fire the Judges that don't do as their told. We have no JUSTICE SYSTEM in the United States anymore.

SP Biloxi said...

"The rats are turning on the rats."

And yes they are...

Chicago Native:

Rove is only protecting Bush because Bush made Rove who he is. He has a lot to lose than Dick. Rove came from rags to riches. Bush can make Rove or put him out of commission with the elite.


Keep me posted. If there are any more problems, let me know. You can get one of your family members to help you change or simply switch email address or I can give you directions via email.