Thursday, March 15, 2007

Four Years Of War In Iraq

As the war has intensified and escalated, some of the critical details have faded from our memories. Some notable events from the timeline:

APRIL 28, 2004: Images of torture at Abu Ghraib are revealed

SEPTEMBER 23, 2004: Bush: “I saw a poll that said the right track/wrong track in Iraq was better than here in America.”

NOVEMBER 18, 2005: Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) calls for U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq

NOVEMBER 30, 2005: National Strategy for Victory In Iraq unveiled by White House

DECEMBER 17, 2005: Lieberman: Bush has turned corner on Iraq

AUGUST 21, 2006: Bush: “We’re not leaving [Iraq] so long as I’m the president.”

MARCH 19, 2006: Time Magazine reveals that U.S. Marines killed at least 15 unarmed Iraqi civilians in Haditha the previous November

NOVEMBER 1, 2006: Classified military briefing reports Iraq “edging toward chaos.”

JANUARY 3, 2007: Death toll of U.S. soldiers in Iraq reaches 3,000


airJackie said...

No one really cares as we see. All talk no action just stay the course. The US Treasury is going broke as it goes on with borrowed money. Trillions of dollars spent on Halliburton for doing nothing. Military given soldiers money to Halliburton while leaving our troops with nothing. How many young soldiers have to die before Americans stop this maddness and the injured troops are left with nothing but pain. Headlines come and go but nothing is done all talk. Now we see this cancer has infected every part of our country and Constitution as we just watch. Bin Ladin was so right when he said we will destroy ourselves no one will ever have to attack the US again. Osama knew who Bush/Cheney were and the plan. He knew they didn't gave a damn about the United States of America only greed and Middle East control. Now we see he was right and we were wrong. We have no one to blame but ourselves for this mess.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the adminstration has waged war on the Middle class and they are winning. 2007 and we are still in as the Gerbil puts it Iraq. The Iraq war.....I thought this was supposed to be the war on terror? What about Osama, Al Quada? What about the horrific mess we have made in Iraq? Ask the people who have fled how much success this has been, or ask the people left there. There are reports every day that there are more terrorists in Iraq than ever.