Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Fitz's return to Chicago

From the Chicago Tribute:

Published March 7, 2007

Of all the things that special federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said about the conviction of top vice presidential aide Irve Lewis "Scooter" Libby on Tuesday, there was one sentence that intrigued me.My ears perked up when I heard him say these eight simple words at his televised news conference. "We're all going back to our day jobs," Fitzgerald said.The national media will most likely ignore these eight words, since these don't have much to do with political gas-bagging, the official sport of Washington.Republicans are upset about the perjury prosecution of Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff. But they thought the rule of law mattered when the Clintons ran things. For Republicans, I guess it all depends on what the definition of the rule of law "is."

More on the story.


jan said...

Kitty! Hi ;D

airJackie said...

I miss Fitz already SPB. He was my morning weak up. I know he's glad to be back home and out of DC. The DOJ is having problems within now as the lawyers testify about being fired. Some White House dude is on the hot sit as we know his boss is the fruit picker and should be the one fired. The scandals are coming to light everyday, it's so many it's hard to keep up with them. Walter Reed, DOJ, Libby and even our female troops have been raped by our soldiers. Without leadership and accountability this is what happens. Now the King of Jordan is telling the United States of America what to do. He says that the US has to settle the problems of the middle east. Now what's he doing himself. I noticed that as weak as Bush gets other world leaders start becoming leaders now we have a leader of a small country in the Middle East telling and directing the United States of America on how to solve a big problem. I guess he sees we have no leader and need some direction.

Mrs. X said...

I know Fitz is glad to be back in Chicago. I understand there is another case that he is working on next week. I am sure Mr. Biloxi will fill us in the update on that case. I am glad that Mr. Biloxi will keep us all posted on the Wilsons civil case. Now I am excited about it. Good day everyone. Lunch time for me.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes, I miss the Fitz blog, Jackie. But, that blog was only temporary. But, I know Fitz is glad to be in Chicago and move on from that stressful case.

Jordan said...
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