Friday, March 16, 2007

Fitz: the next Attorney General?

CBS legal analyst and author of the Washington Post's Bench Conference blog makes the case today for replacing Attorney General Alberto Gonzales with Patrick Fitzgerald.

In my humble opinion, and recognizing that there may be a few other worthy candidates, there is only one person who perfectly currently fits the bill. He is a Republican and a Bush-appointee, but not a partisan or a crony or a hack like so many other current appointees. He has a sterling record of integrity and doggedness. He is obviously his own man and has shown a remarkable tendency during his career as a prosecutor for rankling partisans on both sides of the aisle. He is beholden to no one. His nomination to head the Justice Department by President Bush, and his ratification by the Congress, would send a clear message to the country that our government is willing to turn the page on the sordid recent history of the Office of Attorney General. His name? Patrick J. Fitzgerald.


airJackie said...

I know Fitz would be great but I really don't like him attached to this corrupt Administration. He is honest and they are crooks not a good mix. This is the end of this corruption Administrations term and it would look bad his Fitz's resume to have these names Gerbil, Dickster and Porkrines on it. If he were appointed by honest leadership I'd say go for it but not with this group of criminals.

jan said...

I'm with you, Jackie.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they will do it because Fitz might learn too much of what is going on, and that can only get ugly for the Gerbil and Cheney.

airJackie said...

Look at the other side of the coin. Fitz would clean up the bad reputation of this criminal group. As bad as things are they would do good to find an honest public figure like Fitz to appoint. Look what they've done with Rummy by appointing Gates. Now I still believe Fitz should turn the crooks down if offered the job but I think it would be wise to ask the one lawyer that showed the World what American Justice stands for. I remember in criminal justice class the teacher said try thinking like the criminal to see the plan.

airJackie said...

I read the comments from the Washington Post opinion of the Little Angel being the next Attorney General. I knew this would happen when Fitz got the guilty conviction in the Libby case. His name is now in all media and papers around the world. It's the name attached to honest and truth that attracts those who want Justice. I read about him on BBC and you can believe other countries are paying attention. Just think of it I helped dress the man known around the world as the man of truth, honesty and Justice. sweet