Thursday, March 01, 2007

Feith's Own Private Lala Land

Um, Doug Feith has a blog of sorts where he apparently is defending himself against allegations that he is, well, um, a liar. You can visit it - if you must - here. Think of this as an open thread and feel free to discuss - if you must - Mr. Feith's claims that:
" The IG got this point wrong and it would be dangerous to follow his badly reasoned opinion on the issue. It would damage the quality of the government's intelligence and policy. The CIA has made important errors over the years - think of the Iraqi WMD assessments."

On February 7, 2007, the Defense Department's Inspector General ("IG") reported on pre-Iraq-War activities of the Pentagon's policy organization. The report spawned a lot of inaccurate commentary by politicians and misreporting by journalists.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"In effect, the IG proposed cumbersome regulations for policy it "inappropriate" whether or not it was right, simply because it deviated from the "consensus of the intelligence community." "

That says it right there.