Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Feith on radar...

I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was just a liar and a hatchet man for Vice President Cheney in the White House. Douglas Feith was inside the Pentagon. Lying to cover up the reason for the war is one thing; responsibility for the disastrous occupation policies is another.

In 2003 published "All Roads Lead to Feith" by the brilliant investigative reporter Jim Lobe. It should be passed out to every member of Congress.

Some key facts about Douglas Feith:

· He was the key channel providing distorted intelligence on Iraq from the CIA to the Bush administration.
· His former law partner, Marc Zell, represented the Israeli settlers on the West Bank whose brutality so inflames the whole Muslim world.
· Their law firm, Feith and Zell, was also hired by
Northrop Grumman and other military contractors, presumably to use their connections inside Israel's government to procure contracts. One also wonders if more farsighted executives in the military-industrial complex did not see Feith and Zell as helping to push endless wars. After all, that helps business.
· There are reports that Feith was involved in the Bremer decision to shut down Iraq's major government industries in order to "privatize" the economy. This was obviously another nation-wrecking measure, throwing thousands instantly out of work.

More on the story.

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