Thursday, March 15, 2007

Do you think this is a good name to describe the Administration?

What would you name the future book of the Administration based on Harry Potter?

I am sure Jackie can give us several names since she is the avid Harry Potter book reader...

My pick is Harry Potter and the Treasonous Chain Gang...


airJackie said...

I am so upset with you SPB how could you put that Voldermort in the place of Harry. As for the Administration Harry will use his wand and they will disappear. Now to the title of the Bush Administration SMOKE AND MIRRORS. Bush will let Gonzo loose as he did Libby. All the excuses that Gonzo has used are sad. He still thinks he works as White House Council. He really doesn't know what an Attorney Generals job is. No wonder the DOJ is in a mess. Tonight on PBS I heard the word fired used by Gonzo. Now if the lawyers contracts were up all he had to do is not renew them. Someone should do a background check on Gonzo's education and if he really took the bar examine. He sounds dumber everytime he trys to explain what happen. Gonzo will have to go to save the Administration. Just like Rummy another one bites the dust.

jan said...

WASHINGTON — Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, who spent years investigating the 2003 leak of a CIA operative's identity, told lawmakers Wednesday that he could offer little help during congressional hearings on the leak.

I knew he would say this... and I think it's good.

jan said...

Oh my! check this out:



Those enterprising British journalists! A profile of Patrick Fitzgerald posted on the BBC's Web site yesterday linked to, and quoted from, what it described as the Very Special Prosecutor's blog: "In Chicago and D.C. I have found . . . the rampant graft and corruption to be a travesty -- a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham."

Yeah . . . you guessed it. The blog? Not really his. "I think it is widely recognized to be a parody," said the prosecutor's spokesman Randy Samborn, adding that Fitz, sadly, does not have a blog.

Oh, and the hilarious "travesty of a mockery" line? A quote from Woody Allen's "Bananas."


Anonymous said...

I have words to describe this administration.........but I want to keep your blog clean!

SP Biloxi said...

Now, now, Jackie..

I meant no harm to putting the Harry Potter pic of Cheney. And who and what is a Voldermort? You have to explain that to us on the blog. I am a Harry Potter book reader. Dick thinks he is Harry Potter with his magic wand to cast spell of corruption. But, that wand will be taken away from him real soon.

Chicago Native and Jan:

Rove has had his hand in the corruption cookie jar for a long time. And I am glad that former Senator Peter Fizgerald spoke out and told the truth.