Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Conrad Black vs. Lay and Skilling

Enron trial: 10 women and six men jurors

Black trial: 14 women and four men

Defense in the Black trial: "This isn't a story about a theft by Conrad Black, this is a story about a theft from him." He called government witness F. David Radler, the No. 2 man in Black's organization, a liar.

Defense attorney in the Enron trial: "This is not a case of hear no evil and see no evil. This is a case of there was no evil." Defense said that neither Skilling nor Lay knew anything about a conspiracy at Enron. He claims government witness, ex CFO Andrew Fastow was a liar.

Prosecution in the Black trial: "It was theft, it was fraud, it was crime."

Prosecution in the Enron trial: ''This is a simple case, it is not about accounting, it is about lies and choices.''

Sounds all familiar....


Anonymous said...

Out of control greed for some at the big expense of many.

SP Biloxi said...

I hope the nex Prez revise the corporate law to limit their power in business. Corporate business had too much control thanks to Bush.