Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Canned attorney Iglesias' testimony

Albuquerque Tribune:

Fired U.S. Attorney David Iglesias testified today that he "felt sick" after an October phone call from his onetime mentor, U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, asking whether indictments in an Albuquerque corruption case would be issued before the November elections.

"He asked, `Are those going to be filed before November?' " Iglesias told the Senate Judiciary Committee. "I said I didn't think so. He said, `I'm very sorry to hear that.' And then the line went dead.

"I felt sick afterwards," Iglesias said. "I felt leaned on to get this moving."

Iglesias, the U.S. attorney for New Mexico, also testified about an October phone call from U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson, who was locked in a re-election battle with then-state Attorney General Patricia Madrid. Iglesias said Wilson asked him about "sealed indictments" in the case. Read more…

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