Friday, March 02, 2007

Bush offers American flags to Katrina victims.

The Houston Chronicle’s Julie Mason provides some insight into how the White House advance team prepared for Bush’s visit to the Gulf Coast today:

One thing Bush likes to do in the Gulf Coast is hand out American flags to families rebuilding their houses. Long before he shows up, Bush’s advance team scouts the non-hostile property owners in a neighborhood, and later, the president drops by and gives the family a flag. The White House thinks this makes for good pictures — and maybe it did, a month after the storm. But a year and half later, with the region still a mess and so many people displaced, it seems a little tone-deaf to be handing out flags — politically, it does invite comparisons to what Bush isn’t doing in the region.

Trailer Home: $10,000

Motor Boat: $1500

Weeks supply of goceries: $100

Having the Pres. of the United States reward you a small American flag almost two years after you lost everything and received little goverment help: Priceless.

Some things in life Republicans won’t fix, for everything else there’s Haliburton.


Anonymous said...

The Chimp needs to give up, this is his number one domestic failure and passing out flags? sighhhhh

airJackie said...

The Gerbil is as stupid as he acts. If I hear him say in this part of the world again. If Bush were just a rich boy and not the President no reporter would allow his comment to be on the air he's so dumb. I think the world leaders use his speeches as entertainment and for a good laugh. No wonder his father is always crying.