Friday, March 09, 2007

The bag lady is in the spotlight again.

The House Judiciary Committee requested a host of documents from the White House today related to the administration's firing of a group of U.S. attorneys. The committee is also seeking to interview at least one current official in the White House's counsel's office, William Kelley, Deputy Counsel to the President, and former White House counsel Harriet Miers. (Former USA for Seattle John McKay has told reporters that, in a meeting with Kelley and Miers, he was asked about accusations that he had "mishandled" an investigation of Democratic voter fraud in the 2004 Washington gubernatorial election.)

Update: You can see the letter to Miers here (pdf) and the one to Fielding here (pdf).


Global_Evildoer_Fighter said...

Hey Biloxi,

Peek-a-boo! :)

Please Pass this Video on to Every Politician you can get your hands on!


This is a wake up call to America of the Seedy world of Credit Card Usury!

SP Biloxi said...


You are full of surprises. I thought you were long gone from Fitz's blog. Thanks for sharing the video. Not only that should be in the hands of very politicians but to the American people.The credit card has become many Americans' lifestyle. Every classroom should learn economics and the year of the credit cards in 1951. Great video!

Global_Evildoer_Fighter said...


Naw, Just took a much needed break off the web pipes that's all!

I'm coming for Ambien and Porkrind now..

Hee hee hee! :)

SP Biloxi said...


God I hope so. Make it quick because Ambien is on borrowed time and Porkrind may hit the border in Mexico! LOL!

We need to get the big fishes!!!

SP Biloxi said...


I never thought this case is over. The rugby man has something up his sleeves... Say... hmmm.. Sealed vs. Sealed????

Global_Evildoer_Fighter said...


Not by a Long shot!

Like I said before...

Fitz is like a frisky cat playing with his mice before he eats them...

Remember: Fitz hasn't mentioned sealed v. sealed and it's still part of the plan.

Stay Tuned for Wax On, Wax Off!

Bwahahahahaha! :)

SP Biloxi said...

"Remember: Fitz hasn't mentioned sealed v. sealed and it's still part of the plan."

Yes, GEF, that is still in the back of my mind. But, of course, the media are not paying attention. the media is focused on whether Libby will be pardon by the Gerbil.

"Fitz is like a frisky cat playing with his mice before he eats them..."

Fitz may be the frisky cat playing with those knucklehead mice. I am more like the exterminator. I want all the roaches gone forever. I have no time to toy with the nimrod mice...

Bwahahahahaha! :)

And yes, I will be tuning in for the Wax on and Wax off show. Waxman is a frightening person for the Administration to mess with.