Friday, March 09, 2007

Army Secretary Who Didn't Do Squat Over Walter Reed Given Lavish Farewell Ceremony

Your tax dollars at work.
Army Secretary Francis Harvey resigned last week after the neglect and squalor at Walter Reed military hospital was exposed by the Washington Post.
Harvey not only oversaw these conditions, but chose to place Lt. Gen. Kevin Kiley — who had been personally aware for years about the problems and apparently done nothing — back in control of the hospital. That decision was reversed days later by Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
Despite the terms of his resignation, Harvey today was given a celebratory farewell ceremony at the large Conmy Hall in Virginia.
In the text of his “Message to the Army,” Harvey says, “I am leaving your ranks saddened,” but claims that the “well-being” of “Soldiers and their families” has “always been my highest priority.”
Significant progress has also been made in force and business transformation, modernization, leader development, and the well-being of Soldiers and their families - your well-being has always been my highest priority.


Anonymous said...

Just like the over the top farewell to Rumsfield.

SP Biloxi said...

Really a shame...