Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Another $5 Mil MIA

Not that this made much of an impact in the "news" but it appears that we have $5 billion MIA or as explained by our leadership:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Government health officials said they can’t show how $5 billion spent on preparations for a bio-terror attack or flu pandemic has made the country safer.

Congress approved the money five years ago in response to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 and an anthrax scare triggered by tainted letters sent to congressional offices.
State health departments now typically get tens of millions of dollars to prepare for bio-terrorism each year, compared with hundreds of thousands before the attacks.

Congress set criteria and charged the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with evaluating how well the dollars have been spent. CDC officials said improvement in emergency preparedness is hard to measure."


Anonymous said...

It's too bad the money was not used for what it was intended.

SP Biloxi said...

$5 mil is missing and the $400 mil is missing from Iraq construction. What a messed up Administration.