Saturday, March 10, 2007

Administration Inappropriately Uses National Security Letters

The Department of Justice’s Inspector General released a report today on the Administration’s inappropriate use of National Security Letters. The Associated Press reports:

The FBI improperly and, in some cases, illegally used the USA Patriot Act to secretly obtain personal information about people in the United States, a Justice Department audit concluded Friday.
And for three years the FBI underreported to Congress how often it forced businesses to turn over the customer data, the audit found.

Speaker Pelosi released this statement, pledging that Congress will investigate further:

On the heels of the inappropriate firings of eight U.S. Attorneys, the Inspector General’s report reveals yet another pattern of questionable behavior by the Justice Department. The Bush Administration’s failure to follow minimal procedures and accurate reporting in its use of National Security Letters is disturbing but not surprising.

The Administration and the prior Republican Congress have been delinquent in oversight of the National Security Letters to ensure that their use did not violate the privacy and the civil liberties of thousands of Americans. As we protect and defend the American people, we must protect and defend the Constitution and the civil liberties it contains. The Democratic Congress will meet that obligation, and we will begin by investigating the disturbing facts reported today.


airJackie said...

Remember the word used when this authorization was given TRSUST US.
No more trust as it means nothing and most likely used for inside criminal acts by spying on personal information. All the appointees are following the White House orders of crime. It's hard to trust a liar.

jan said...

Really!? The government gave the govenment the power to do anything it wants, with the undestanding that it should not abuse the gift of that power, only to find out it was used in unsavery ways against it's own people? Really- no really?! ;D

SP Biloxi said...

Hi, Jan!

Yup, another case of abuse from the government. it is amazing how the Gerbil talks about democracy in America when this country is turning into the Orwellian world.