Saturday, February 24, 2007

‘What’s wrong with sucking up to everybody?’

I have a hunch we’ll be seeing this quote pop up, repeatedly, for the next two years.
So some guy stands up after John McCain’s luncheon speech here yesterday to a group of business types and asks him a question.

“I’ve seen in the press where in your run for the presidency, you’ve been sucking up to the religious right,” the man said, adding: “I was just wondering how soon do you predict a Republican candidate for president will start sucking up to the old Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party?”

Mr. McCain listened with his eyes downcast, then looked the man in the eye, smiled and replied: “I’m probably going to get in trouble, but what’s wrong with sucking up to everybody?”


Anonymous said...

McCain has to suck up to everyone he is way behing Guiliani sighhhhh and that's bad really bad.

Mrs. X said...

Do not mention Rudy Guiliani! He is not the right person for Preaident and neither is John McCain!