Tuesday, February 13, 2007

We live in a crazy world...

But Jon Stewart speaks the truth...
The Daily Show can really skewer the MSM like no other. The part about Dobbs and Wolfie is sheer genius. And you knew they would somehow involve Geraldo.
"Move over crazy astronaut in diapers! The media unleashed a full-scale coverage orgy, with CNN at one point going ninety minutes without a commercial…making the death of Anna Nicole Smith a more significant news event than a State of the Union address and slightly less than 9/11."


Anonymous said...

I was really surprised about the astronaut. I have been listening to news radio interview former astronauts and how hard it is to even get in the last few cuts. And how someone like Anna Niclole or Paris have no acting talent, no singing talent but just because they lead the lives they do they become celebritys. I did feel for Anna when her son died, no parent wants to bury a child (seeing my parents go through it). I am sure Anna's mom will be going through a lot as well. And that little baby, gosh everyone is coming out of the woodwork claiming to be the father.
Anyhow......on Lincoln's Birthday I posted a picture of your Governator doing what he does best! (here's another joke, someone like that becoming a governor of such a large populous state?

SP Biloxi said...

I'll head over to your blog to check out the Gropinator. People can't stand him.

The media has turned the fatal attraction, Depends, and wig astronaut and the desth of Ms. Smith into Entertainment tonight. The astronaut is a cross between humor and sad.

Anonymous said...

It's on your blog under Lincoln. Didn't post today, work out of control.