Monday, February 05, 2007

Waxman Power!

Hearings on Waste, Fraud, and Abuse of Taxpayer Dollars

From February 6-9, the Oversight Committee will hold four hearings on waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer dollars.

Tuesday, February 6: The Impact of CPA Decision-making on Iraq Reconstruction

Ambassador Paul Bremer will testify for the first time since leaving as head of the U.S.-run Coalition Provisional Authority. He will answer questions about an audit report issued in 2005 by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction that concluded that more than $8.8 billion in cash was disbursed without adequate financial controls. Ambassador Bremer will also be asked to respond to allegations that the CPA filled positions with unqualified staff who were politically connected.

Wednesday, February 7: Iraqi Reconstruction: Reliance on Private Military Contractors

Family members of four Blackwater employees killed in Fallujah will testify about what they view as profiteering by Blackwater USA, including the company’s alleged failure to provide armored vehicles and other critical safety equipment. The Committee will also examine in detail Blackwater’s security operations in Iraq under multiple layers of contracts and subcontracts that compound costs to the taxpayer.

Thursday, February 8: Management of Large Homeland Security Contracts: Deepwater and SBInet

The hearing will focus on the Department of Homeland Security’s management of large contracts that rely on private contractors as “system integrators.” The Committee will focus on two examples of multi-billion dollar contracts: the Deepwater program to develop new ships for the Coast Guard and the Secure Border Initiative to integrate technology and personnel to defend the nation’s borders.

Friday, February 9: Allegations of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in Pharmaceutical Pricing: Financial Impacts on

Federal Health Programs and the Federal Taxpayer

The goal of the hearing is to examine whether there are fraudulent, abusive, or wasteful pharmaceutical pricing practices that affect federal health programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and the Public Health Service “340B” program that should be the subject of additional congressional oversight.


Anonymous said...

I am glad to see Waxman is trying to clean up some of the mess.

Here is an excerpt from the Chicago Tribune:

"Americans haven't elected an open and unabashed cigarette smoker president since Franklin Roosevelt, though others such as Lyndon Johnson smoked on occasion, and Bill Clinton and George W. Bush smoked cigars during their terms. The rules seem also to extend to political spouses such as First Lady Laura Bush, who found it necessary to quash her habit, or at least take it underground.
In Obama's case, the pressure isn't just political. His wife has always been concerned about his smoking and, over the holidays, according to Jarrett, the two of them agreed that he "should stop now."

and there are tons of local blogs and newspaper articles on who will replace Obama, or who will Gov. Rod Blagojevich appoint.

I had to do it, yes watch Sean Hannity do the Live Guiliani announcement and interview, Sean Hannity really played up the positives only, nauseating, Hannity was so sweet and so was Guiliani, I almost got diabetes from watching, had to stop, before I needed insulin. But think about it who else would Guiliani have interview him live?

another thought, did not know Psycho Laura was a puffer, but I am sure she is on a whole lot more than legal smoke....if you know what I mean (her & Chimp probably fight over the roach clip)

Anonymous said...

Friday's meeting summed up:

"The disappointing outcome of the Quartet meeting rules out any early resumption of “formal” peace talks, leaves the Palestinian people and leadership divided on the verge of civil war under the pressures of both the occupation and siege, thus leaving the divide with only one option: Individual and collective dialogue to review the deadlocked and futile peace process as well as the yet un-delivering violent and non-violent resistance, which both have almost reached a standstill." Quartet meeting

"Second Secretary of Iran's embassy in Baghdad, Jalal Sharafi, was kidnapped by some agents affiliated to the ministry of defense which operates under the supervision of the US troops in Iraq," Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini said.

SP Biloxi said...

"I had to do it, yes watch Sean Hannity do the Live Guiliani announcement and interview, Sean Hannity really played up the positives only, nauseating"

Now why is in the world did you waste your intelligence on a nimrod and asswipe like Hannity. Guiliani? When Guilani's shady past and dirt such as the thousand mistresses and his connections to the mob come up on the campaign trail, I see him bail out.

And thanks for the update on Friday meeting.

Anonymous said...

Well I did it because according to Polls, Guiliani is ahead, McCain supposidly only has a 25% chance, and everyone is further behind.
This is a sad state for the Republicans if Guiliani is already the front runner, yes I could not bare to watch the whole thing, but if Guiliani gets the Republican candidate rest assured he will only be on FAUX news, because they will play nice with him.
The Swiss are pissed off(at the US) now on the Iranian abuduction.........sigh they are sending people over now. Iran diplomat abducted, Swiss are getting involved