Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Veep's Pet Dog: John McCain

Somehow I don't think this is the image Straight Talk wants out there: a lapdog all too willing to please.
After McCain said that Rumsfeld was the worst defense secretary we've had, Shooter disagreed with him today, and then remarked how McCain is fond of trashing folks and then wetting his pants to apologize.
"John said some nasty things about me the other day, and then next time he saw me, ran over to me and apologized. Maybe he'll apologize to Rumsfeld," Cheney said in an interview with ABC News.
Last month, McCain blamed both Cheney and Rumsfeld for a "terribly mishandled" war.
"The president listened too much to the vice president . . . Of course, the president bears the ultimate responsibility, but he was very badly served by both the vice president and, most of all, the secretary of defense," McCain was quoted as telling The Politico, a Capitol Hill newspaper and Web site.
A few days later, Cheney said, McCain approached him on the Senate floor, said he had been quoted out of context and offered an apology.
"I was happy to accept," Cheney said.


FBI said...

Biloxi Rocks!

After Teddy Bear's crying jag in court, I now know why you always called Libby's defense the nanny boohoo defense!


McCain is everybody's pet dog these days!

Anonymous said...

McCain.........sighhhhhhhh no wonder Guiliani sighhhhhhhhhh is the frontrunner for the GOP

SP Biloxi said...

You mean that raazie award performance by Wells? LOL!

Quzi and Chicago Native:

McCain is lost cause if he runs for Prez since his own state wants him removed. And now McCain is being thrown under the bus by the Veep. The more weaker McCain gets the less use that the Gerbil and the Veep need of McCain. For all I now, the Gerbil and Veep might endorse Guiliani.