Saturday, February 03, 2007

Truthout 2007: Freedom and Democracy Awards

Today we are announcing the recipients of the first annual Truthout Freedom and Democracy Awards. These awards have been granted to three individuals who have done the most in the past year to promote freedom and democracy. These recipients will each receive an honorarium of $1,000 to assist them in continuing their work.

This year's recipients, in alphabetical order, are:

· Gold Star Mother of US Army Spc. Casey Sheehan and peace activist Cindy Sheehan, who has taken her protest of the War in Iraq to the president's doorstep and worked tirelessly to bring an end to US engagement in Iraq.
· 1st Lt. Ehren Watada, US Army, the first commissioned military officer to publicly refuse to deploy to Iraq, stating that the war was not legal.
· Ann Wright, former member of the military and a US State Department Foreign Service member who resigned her post in protest of the Iraq War and has joined the fight to end the war.

Each of these recipients has shown a deep commitment to efforts to strengthen freedom and democracy in a time of great need. Truthout salutes these honorees for their work.


real1ami said...

When are the JUSTICE awards given out? ;)

real1ami said...

SPB - Could you please check your email from me?

Anonymous said...

Cheney needs to be removed sooner if not later:
Today's MiddleEast News

"Referring to Iran's success to produce nuclear energy, he said, "We have established hardware through benefiting from our own capabilities."
"No country in the world can deprive itself of nuclear energy and the enemy cannot tolerate our significant success," he said.
Iranian scientists with reliance upon their own knowledge managed to produce nuclear energy but the enemies try to bring excuses in order to deprive us of our legitimate right, he underlined.
The US deployed its troops in Iraq, suffer casualties, bear heavy spending and has been trapped in Iraq's quagmire and then try to put the blames on Iran, he pointed out.
"We are happy to witness that the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein who committed many crimes have been executed but we are dissatisfied with the current situation in Iraq which is much worse than that of Saddam," Rafsanjani said.
Given the US failures in Afghanistan, he said civil war in Afghanistan only created us many problems as masses of war refugees rushed into Iran and created us very problems.
"To us, martyrdom is the shortest way to come closer to Almighty God," he said.

Iran's fluffed up enough from the all the refugees

Strange colored snow caused by dust from a hurricane

Anonymous said...


"Iran strongly condemns this illegal action of the Untied States,"

"We believe that the US is still responsible for Iraq's security and that the US must transfer the security of that country to Mr. Maliki's administration, because Iraqis know their country better than anyone else."
other than the Fox news view

SP Biloxi said...

Hello ladyinil!

Welcome to the blog. I responded to your email. And you did created a blog. Good for you.

Yes, cheney needs to be removed. He is the one in power not the Gerbil.